Leadership & Enterprise Excellence Assessments

Leadership Assessments consult

Leadership Index Assessment

Like professional athletes, leaders require tremendous energy to perform optimally daily. It is not uncommon for our energy levels to fluctuate depending on the given circumstances. Wouldn’t it be great if you could effectively manage your energy regardless of the outside influencers? The Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment developed by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). It enables leaders to hold mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. The E.L.I. forms the initial launching point for the Leadership Development System, providing a baseline for your current awareness, performance, and effectiveness level. You progress through a debriefing and orientation process, enabling you to plan your development roadmap.

Elite athletes and the most successful leaders in the world share one thing in common: they genuinely enjoy what they do. When asked, they consistently say they rarely ever “work.”

Several types of assessments exist in the leadership community. Some of which are based on behavior, personality, and attitude. A behavioral assessment is a psychological exam used to examine an individual’s behavior patterns. Personality-based assessments, such as Myers Briggs and D.I.S.C., are valuable tools that pinpoint certain personality types so that people can understand their strengths and weaknesses more. By understanding your personality and how it relates to what you do, you can adapt your behavior to “work with what you have” to function effectively. 

Our Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) Assessment, developed by iPEC, is an attitudinal assessment based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality and behavioral assessments as it does not label a person or have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your energy level based on your attitude, perception, and perspective of your world. This assessment helps you “Learn to See” how your attitude serves you under normal conditions and when you are under stress. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. Working with a coach using the E.L.I. can alter your attitude and perspective, shift your awareness, and increase your leadership effectiveness.


360 Assessment

What is it?

Examples of individuals who may provide 360 feedback

Current Performance Profile (Mobile APP)

SCOPE stands for Specific Current Operational Profile of Energy. This self-administered assessment is taken before any task, activity, or performance. It gives you a “Performance Factor,” which lets you know how energetically engaged you are at that moment concerning what you’re rating. The higher your Performance Factor, the more likely you’ll perform well. Remember that everything you do in life can be related to performance. How energetically engaged you are to any task may increase the likelihood of performing it well.

When taking a SCOPE assessment, you’ll know which factors (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social, and/or environmental) affect the energy in your “fuel tank.”

All references to ELI™ & SCOPE™ are the intellectual property of iPEC & Bruce Schneider.

Lean Enterprise Transformation Assessment

Lean is an operational excellence strategy that enables people and organizations to change for the better. Another common way to define lean is the persistent pursuit and elimination of waste.

While lean is all about improving processes, its most significant value lies in developing people since, in the end, lean is a people-based system. Yes, the many tools and concepts of lean are essential. Still, failure is almost a certainty if you neglect the people aspect.

A Lean transformation is a journey! It is a process by which organizations take on Lean principles and progressively, through a planned program, ensure they are adopted to provide a more competitive organization and a better workplace.

Why Perform a Lean Maturity Assessment?

A lean maturity assessment helps you ascertain your organization’s adoption of lean principles. It is a self-evaluation of where your organization stands on its Lean journey. The key to implementing Lean transformation is knowing where the organization needs to be in the future. At the same time, it is equally important that leaders know the current state of their business. A Lean maturity assessment shows leaders how advanced their organization is in terms of the Lean perspective, its strengths, weaknesses, and improvement opportunities.